
The Royal North Devon Golf Club

Course Status

Course open. putting green open, please rake bunkers Updated: 12th Mar 2025

Gold Challenge (Medal) (Scratch) (Open) & Club Tankard (Medal) (Handicap) (Open)

Sunday 25th May
Royal North Devon, Tee - White
H'cap Allowance: 95%

General Terms for Competition

(Updated December 2024)

1. Rules of Golf
All RND Golf events shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by the R&A Rules Ltd (R&A) and USGA Rules of Golf.

In the case of entry by a golfer with a disability, they can apply to RNDGC for the adoption of the Modification of the Rules of Golf for Golfers with Disabilities.

2. Amateur Status
All players must be of Amateur Status as defined by The Rules of Amateur Status.

3. Entry: Method and Fees

All entries must be completed and received by the RNDGC office by closing time on the date entries close. They must be accompanied by payment. Entries without payment will not be accepted. No entry will be included in the competition unless complete in every detail.

 All events will have a minimum number of entries policy. If the minimum number of competitors does not reach the number required, then RNDGC reserves the right to amend the competition if required and in some cases cancel the competition.

Entries received after the competition closing date will only be considered if the maximum field size has not been achieved.

a) Entries should be made online at the club website ( To enter online, a competitor must possess a CDH (Central Database of Handicaps) ID number. Payment will be taken when the online entry is submitted. Unsuccessful entrants will be refunded to the same card after the closing date.

b) If Online Entry is not possible, a PDF entry form may be requested from the RNDGC office.

c) Entries by telephone are not accepted unless authorized by the Competitions Director/committee.

d) No entry fee will be refunded unless notice of withdrawal is communicated to the office no less than 72 hours before the day of the competition, except to any entrant who may be balloted out and who does not subsequently compete.

e) All entries shall be subject to the approval of the Competitions Committee, which reserves the right to accept, refuse, or cancel an entry without giving the reason for its decision. The Committee’s decision shall be final. In such cases, any entry fee will be refunded.


5. Entry: Handicaps

a) All players who hold a CONGU handicap and wish to enter any RNDGC event must have a handicap not exceeding the maximum handicap permitted as stated in the individual competition’s conditions and rules. To enter online, players must possess a CDH ID number as stated above and be a member of an affiliated golf club. The maximum playing handicap is, Men 28 and Ladies 36, unless stated otherwise in each competition.

Note: It is the player’s responsibility to ensure that their exact handicap on the CDH is up to date.  RNDGC shall take no responsibility for any out-of-date handicap used for balloting purposes. 

6. Withdrawals

a) A player will forfeit their entry fee if they withdraw less than 72 hours before the day of competition.

b) Any player who:

i. withdraws from an event after the draw has been published

ii. fails to register prior to play

iii. fails to appear on the tee at their appointed start time

6. Reserves

a) In individual stroke play Championships, a reserve list will be maintained and managed by the RND office. Should a place or place in the draw become available, reserves will be invited to play in the order they are listed on the reserve list.

b) In order to ensure a full field for an event and at the sole discretion of the Competition Committee, a reserve or reserves may be offered a place depending on whether they can be contacted, i.e. irrespective of their place on the reserve list.

c) At all events, in the event of a late withdrawal of a player in the draw, a reserve who has entered the event and is present at the venue on the first day of the competition may be offered the vacated start place. Should there be more than one reserve in attendance, such reserves will be invited to play in the order they are listed on the reserve list. 

d) At the discretion of registration officials at the venue, and depending on a practice round space being available, a reserve who is present at the venue may play a practice round. They may also use practice facilities at the venue. 

7. Eligibility
a) Each player must be a member of an affiliated golf club.


8. Disability 
The modified rules of golf for players with disabilities apply if they fall under one of the following four categories of disability*. 

  • i)   Players who are blind,
  • ii)  Players who are amputees,
  • iii) Players who use assistive mobility devices, and
  • iv) Players with intellectual disabilities.

These authorized modifications adapt the Rules of Golf for these categories of disability.

*Many players have physical limitations that may result in some degree of disability and that may affect their ability to play the game. Examples include players who are partially sighted and players who have difficulty gripping a club because of severe arthritis. The above-modified Rules do not specifically apply to such players.

9. Prohibited Substances 
Any player who is found guilty of possessing, administering, or using any substance or method on the WADA (World Anti- Doping Agency) Prohibited List, will be subjected to Disciplinary Procedures in line with EG Anti-Doping Policy. The full list of prohibited drugs is available from UK Sport (

10. Entrants Under 18 Years of Age 
If an entrant is under 18 years of age on the first day of a tournament and no completed Parental Consent Form (PCF) has been provided to the General Manager beforehand, they will not be eligible to compete. The PCF must be submitted before the day of the competition.   

11. Caddies 

There are no restrictions on the use of caddies.


 12. Score Card

The scorecard can only be marked by a fellow playing (competitor)partner – A marker can only be used when authorized by the competition committee.

A player’s scorecard is deemed officially returned when they have left the recorder’s office or entered the score into the P.S.I. or the card has been returned into the card's return box.

Note:  Players must promptly return their scorecards.


 13. Result of a Match and when Competition Closed

a) Matchplay: The result of a match is deemed officially announced when it has been recorded on the website

b) Stroke play: The results of the competition are deemed officially announced and the competition is closed when the Competition is closed on the website

14. Decision of Ties
Resultant ties in competitions will be determined by the individual-specific rules and conditions as described in the rules of the event. In general, Ties shall be decided either on the last 18, 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes, or by sudden-death play-off, or as the Competitions Committee may otherwise decide. 


15. Bad Weather

If in the opinion of RNDGC, it becomes impossible to complete a Competition by that Event’s Terms because of adverse weather or other circumstances, RNDGC may vary the Terms to the extent necessary to achieve a result within the time available. 

A player may cease play without authority during a thunder and lightening storm.


 16. Trophies & Prizes

All Trophies are the property of RNDGC. The winners of these trophies shall where possible be presented at the very next prize giving.  No trophy can leave the premises of the Royal North Devon Golf Club


17. Transportation/Buggies

Players must not ride on any form of transportation without first providing the competition organizer with a medical certificate.


 18. Liability

Royal North Devon Golf Club cannot be held responsible for the loss of or damage to, equipment or personal possessions.

When playing over the road on the 3rd and 17th holes, it is the player's duty to make sure they do so in a safe manner.

The player must always also give way to all walkers.


 19. Photography Consent

By entering an RNDGC event all players are consenting to be filmed or recorded (images and sound) by or on behalf of RNDGC, or another authorized third party, and consent to these images (or likenesses) being used in any film, recording, photograph or other footage (“recording”) in the promotion of  RNDGC activities.  Players acknowledge that no payment or compensation for use of their image or likeness shall be payable to them.

If you object to any photographs being taken of yourself, please contact RNDGC at and notify us of this.


 20. Dogs

They are permitted to be taken onto the course during a competition round, but all playing partners must be consulted and give their approval.  Permission must be sorted 24 hours in advance from your playing partners. The dog must permanently be kept on a lead.

Under no circumstances are dogs permitted to find their owners’ ball or their playing partners’ balls. The penalty for breach of this rule is a disqualification.


Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £5.00 Per Member (Optional)
  • £50.00 Per Visitor (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men
Current Entries: 93

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